He who sows... must reap!

In the months June till November it is that time of year again, harvest time. Our food is taken from the land again, and like every year, we will see that reflected in traffic. That is why we have developed a harvest campaign in Zeeland to make farmers, contractors and all other road users aware of safe traffic participation.

Together we aim for 100% road safety. Also at harvest time! Because... He who sows must reap!

Episode 1: Watch out for agricultural traffic

Episode 1 of the campaign focuses on the start of the harvest season. 

Tips and tricks to increase road safety together.

Tips and video

Mensen in gesprek voor tractor

Episode 2: grain on the road

Episode 2 of the campaign addresses possible loose grain on the road.

Tips and tricks to increase road safety together.

Tips and video

Fietsband en graan op de weg

Episode 3: speed and weight

Episode 3 of the campaign is about the speed and weight of construction and agricultural vehicles.

Some tips and tricks to increase road safety together.

Tips and video

Grote trekker met aanhanger

Episode 4: the blind spot

Episode 4 of the campaign is about the blind spot of (agricultural) construction vehicles.

Some tips and tricks to increase traffic safety together!

Tips and video

Afbeelding met dode hoek landbouwvoertuig

Episode 5: mud on the road

Episode 5 of the campaign is about mud on the road and the dangers that come with it.
Some tips on how to handle this safely

Tips and video

Slik op de weg bord in de berm

The campaign

The harvest season has started and… He who sows must reap!

This campaign was developed by the Zeeland Agricultural Traffic Coordination Committee. This is therefore in collaboration with the ROVZ, branch organizations ZLTO, Cumela and several Zeeland road authorities.

The harvest campaign is spread over a number of months and various farmers and contractors are participating in this. This is because there are actually different phases in the harvest season, which sometimes involve other dangers. The campaign consists of 5 episodes that will appear on the landing pages of the ROVZ website, and short videos on Facebook and Instagram.

Logo oogst campagne engels